Is HOMEOPATHY is a SCAM ! Homeopathy Treatment


Do you remember your golden childhood days?    When we used to get cold    Then our parents used to carry us to a doctor    Who never gave bitter medicines nor any injection    He used to give us some sweet pills    And surprisingly we used to recover after eating those pills    You might have forgotten this    But this is called Homeopathy    And it has a global market of around USD 17 Billion    Its market is touching new heights    But many people criticize this medical practice    So, Today in this  Blog we will understand this in detail    Ministry of Ayush started in India in 2014    A in Ayush stands for Ayurveda and H for Homeopathy    1/3 rd of all the Ayush wellness centers in India are Homeopathic    And 37% of the practitioner doctors in India are Homeopathic    If we compare it with Allopathy    Then only 5% of all the doctors in India are Homeopathic    But they treat 20% of the patients    In one way, homeopathy is nearly as popular as our ancient knowledge in Ayurveda    Homeopathy came to India in the 19th century as a foreign practice    Now, no matter how much popular it becomes    Many people believe that homeopathy is an ineffective and unscientific marketing gimmick    To understand this harsh criticism    You should understand the history of homeopathy    And what are its basic principles    And Frankly speaking, when I came to know about these, I was Shocked    

How did HOMEOPATHY Start ?

Homeopathy came out of Frustration    And this Frustration was against the medical practices of that time    1796 was the year    And to be honest,    The cure was more painful than the disease at that time    Let me give you some examples    There used to be a concept of Bloodletting    In which the blood from your was extracted by cutting the veins    Whether you have a fever, smallpox, or even a sore throat    US President George Washington also died due to this practice    Once he had a sore throat    And his Bloodletting was carried out    He lost around 5 pints of blood    And he died within 21 hours    There were more concepts    Laxatives were given so that you get an upset stomach    Vomiting pills were given to bring out the toxins from your body    Such haunting treatment was given even for minor illnesses    People were fed up with these    But you should remember    The BP monitoring device which is very common and normal nowadays    Those were not present during those times    germs theory was not studied till now    But Samuel Hahnemann observed all this who was a German    And in frustration, he told    that this is allopathy    He gave this name out of contempt for that medicine practice    He told that in these practices, the disease is treated by opposing the symptoms    And I will invent a new technique    Which will be called Homeopathy    And He is known as the father of Homeopathy    He said I will give some basic concepts    By which the whole homeopathy will be governed    And these concepts would shock you    

Basic Principle of HOMEOPATHY

His first principle was the Principle of Similar    People say if the substance which causes any illnesses    If given in smaller portions then it can cure that disease    The second principle is the Principle of Dilution    Let me make it simpler for you it is quite technical    They believe in not giving any medicine straightaway    But in its diluted form    Take one part of the medicine    And 9 parts of water    And mix them all    This is called 1X dilution    If more dilution is needed    Take one part from the obtained mixture    And mix it in more 9 parts of water    This has now become 2X diluted    Which means 1/100    2X is also termed C    As 1/C dilution is equal to 1/100 dilution    If we take one part from this solution and dissolve it in 100 more parts of water    Then it will become 2C dilution    Which means 1/10,000    And visit any Homeopathic Store    And check the potency of any medicine    You can easily find medicines with 30X or 200C potency    So you can understand to what extent the homeopathic medicines are diluted    now, I have a question for you    Medicine which is highly diluted, is more powerful or less powerful?    If you are thinking of less powerful    Then you are wrong    Because Samuel told a very interesting reason behind the dilution    The more any medicine is diluted    More is the medicine vigorously shake    Then the end product    Is not any medicine but a substance like a spirit    This means the water absorbs all the properties of the medicine    The Water Remembers    And due to these principles    The people who oppose Homeopathic questions    What is this going on?    How more power is obtained from more dilution?    And we would discuss these questions in detail. 


But before that  The bigger question is    If these principles are so controversial    Then how did homeopathy become so popular?    The first reason for this is    Disillusionment with Modern Medicine    Look, when homeopathy started    Then it was taken as an alternative medicine    Because the people were fed up with the practices followed at that time    And even today many people,    Due to the reactions and side effects of allopathy and considering the big pharma as a conspiracy    Switch to the alternative homeopathic medicines    And think in the other way    In comparison to those bitter medicines and injections, the sweet pills are very attractive    The second reason is the support from rich and influential people    Earlier I used to believe    Because allopathic medicines are expensive many people cannot afford these    Therefore these people preferred homeopathic medicines    But it is not like that    Homeopathic doctors also used to stay with the royal family    Queen Elizabeth II had a Homeopathic doctor for almost 17 years    Prince Charles in 2019 become the patron of an organization    Which promotes homeopathy    It was observed in Germany that    Homeopathy is very popular among the upper middle class    And in Switzerland, Homeopathy is used in the public health sector    And popular among young females    And the third reason is related to the scientific temperament    A study was conducted in six European countries    Where it was found that the people who had a low scientific temperament    Used more homeopathy products    This study also told    That the young females in Switzerland were educated    But still used to follow homeopathy    So they told that there might not be any link between education and scientific temperament    Because mostly the people who opt for arts and literature in Europe are considered highly educated    so there is no guarantee of scientific temperament or scientific understanding among the educated people    Now you have understood    That, how homeopathy became so popular around the world?    

Criticism of HOMEOPATHY

Now Understand why many people criticize this practice?    Most of the criticism is against the two common principles of Homeopathy    Many people refer to Avogadro's Number    If you dilute any substance beyond a limit    Then not even a molecule of that substance would be present in the mixture    And in the terms of homeopathy, this number is up to 12C or 24X    But homeopathy has medicine up to 30X  And 200C    Then people say that if you take the medicine of the potency 30X    Then you have to consume 30,000 thousand liters of that medicine to get one molecule of the actual medicine    So how are these diluted medicines powerful?    The second reason for criticism about the vigorous shaking of the mixture    The mixture might not have the medicine but the water remembers all the qualities of the medicine    Then many people argue that any river has a huge quantity of water    Which means it is diluted    And as the water flows through heavy Rocks and mountains    Vigorous shaking is also present    Then if a small amount of poison is mixed in the river    Then would the whole river water become poisonous?    With high potency, it can immediately kill anybody    But this does not happen    Then this whole concept of potency and vigorous shaking    Is questioned a lot by many people    And if you question these critiques    How homeopathy is able to cure people even after such flaws?    Then they would answer in two ways    

Why does HOMEOPATHY works?

First, the consultation with the doctor in homeopathy does not end in two minutes    Or 2-3 tests    The consultation in homeopathy is rigorous and thorough    and takes hours to complete    Doctors use to understand the patient's lifestyle    And during giving any medicine also give some conditions    On how one must follow a lifestyle so that the medicine can work    So many times the change in lifestyle works instead of the medicines    due to which people recover faster    Second, this happens due to Placebo Effect    Many times if you give any ill person a sugar cube as medicine    and tell him that he would recover after having it    Then in our minds, this goes as a medicine    And you start feeling better    And many times due to this Placebo Effect many people recover from their illnesses.    This Placebo Effect was very common during the testing of the COVID-19 vaccine    Among the two groups    One group is given sugar syrup    And actual vaccine to the other    And nothing is told to anyone    They used to check    Whether Placebo Effect works as much as the vaccine    If it works, then giving a vaccine is of no use    And this Placebo Effect works in the homeopathy    Due to this homeopathy is quite effective sometimes    Now you would say    


Now we know all about the Principles, Popularity, and Criticism of Homeopathy    Tell us the conclusion    What do you mean?    Conclusion is that    Homeopathy is an alternative field of medicine    Which has a lot of good points    They do a thorough consultation with a patient    They understand the patient's lifestyle beyond the illness    This is a very good practice    Apart from this many times homeopathy is very effective in upper respiratory tract infections and arthritis    Many times a mixture of allopathic and homeopathic medicines is given to the patients    Children don't have any side effects from Homeopathic medicines    These are very good points    And these must be adopted    While on the other hand    There is a lot of criticism of homeopathy    Homeopaths should work harder on these points    And come with valid answers    Look at allopathy    They were treating an infection in the throat with bloodletting    They were also criticized a lot    But they improved and researched    And today are very popular around the whole world    Whose name was given by Samuel Hahnemann in frustration    They are carrying that name forward    And are continuously improving    The same should homeopathy do    Dr. Shantanu Abhyankar who is a formal homeopath and current allopath    Also said we will adopt all the good practices from the alternative field of medicines like homeopathy by scrutiny and questioning    So that humanity can be developed    The need of the hour is scrutiny and questioning and not the blind belief  

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