7 CRAZY LESSONS from Russia vs Ukraine! |

7 CRAZY LESSONS from Russia vs Ukraine!

It has been more than a month since Russia has started gaining power over Ukraine And you must have watched at least 100 videos on this topic But this video is very important Because I have come up with 7 interesting points after a lot of searches Which are very beneficial for you as well as our Country India 

WAR Propaganda

The first one is War Propaganda has more importance than the actual war War Propaganda is also termed PsyOps which means Psychological Operations In the beginning when Russia attacked Ukraine Then an island of Ukraine came into the limelight Where the Ukrainian guards denied surrendering, abused Russia, and died But after some time we came to know that they surrendered actually and now they are captured by Russia The second thing is 'Kyiv' which is a city in Ukraine where a 'ghost of Kyiv' has arrived which is a plane killing a lot of Russian troops After some time we came to know from the media footage that this was a recording from a video game A lot of War Propagandas like these floated on social media in the past month And 90% out of these were fake But no one checks the reality By the way, Russia also wants to run Propagandas like these but Social media channels have banned their news portals So they would be running Propagandas but in their own country War Propaganda keeps importance more than the actual war Because you and I are not going into the warzone to look at what's happening So, these war Propagandas shapes your narrative and opinions 

Free Speech Swadanusaar

The second point is Like we add salt to our food according to our taste Free speech is also according to our convenience Look all the Russian news portals were banned by Google, YouTube, Instagram, Facebook, and even Twitter But all these platforms speak a lot about the importance of free speech when the issue is something else After some time all these platforms would publish a report Which would contain an index of free speech, press freedom index They would be discussing which countries suppress freedom of speech But then people would not discuss that which of these American platforms also suppressed press freedom Again social media would score the countries according to their convenience Publish a list of countries And would pretend that look, here the press freedom in danger So, all the freedom of the press works according to the convenience 


The third point is Profit from the war There are a lot of countries that earn money predominantly by selling arms and ammunition A lot of such companies are within the USA and even Russia These earn money from selling arms and ammunition Think once, the whole globe lives peacefully No two countries fight, each country advises their army about no wars from today These countries and companies would become very poor They would die because of starvation So, they are benefitted a lot from these wars Whether war happens in Afghanistan or Iran or Syria these companies and countries earn huge profits And this video from Johny is very interesting This video shows which people earned profits from the war that happened in Afghanistan Nowadays a lot of American companies are in the news Which are earning profits from this war between Russia and Ukraine But on the other end, a lot of American companies also exist which don't earn profits from the war Like YouTube owned by Google, or phones based on Android or iOS or Amazon all these companies are American These companies may not earn from the wars 

Zelensky and Western Media

The next point is based on Zelensky and Western Media Zelensky is a very interested character, president of Ukraine and a comedian earlier who used to play the piano in a different way And now he is a star in the western He was a star from the previous years as well At that time his administration was called corrupt People said that they used to arrest people who are against them they put them in jails, bans the political parties and even bans media houses by calling them anti-national But now he is termed a national hero If you look at the way he is defending Ukraine and taking a stand against Russia We can say that he is leading from the front brilliantly But now he says Ukraine would not join the NATO Earlier he used to say that Ukraine can join the NATO In fact, this was the basis behind the war between Russia and Ukraine And there are a lot of things that say if he had led Ukraine in a good way then a lot of lives would have been saved But in one way or another western powers especially the US uses Ukraine as its proxy US forces Ukraine to do all things according to the way the US wants This is literally true Because during the Trump administration Trump's Impeachment was to be done Whole discussion of that time was based on Ukraine Trump pressurized the Ukrainian president on a phone call to investigate Joe Biden's son Due to this Trump was to be impeached At that time also Ukraine was like a puppet in the hands of the US The same is happening today And in one way or another, this is a mistake of Zelensky that he is allowing Ukraine to be a puppet in the hands of the US And Zelensky is not involved alone in this mistake So let's go to another point 

NUCLEAR Betrayal

A huge betrayal that Ukraine faced is not from today but it happened a lot of years earlier And this is the importance of Nuclear Weapons If we want to remember Atal Bihari Vajpayee Ji And remember his biggest contribution I think his biggest contribution was giving India the power of Nuclear Weapons And Ukraine got this power as a gift When USSR was divided At that time Ukraine had the third largest storage of the nuclear weapons No one would have thought of troubling Ukraine at that time But at that time also western countries came in front and asked Ukraine to give up all these nuclear weapons by signing a document And we will save you whenever someone troubles you Ukraine signed that agreement And that sign was like an ax on one's own foot Because now Ukraine has no defense left Ukraine is not left with such a power that can fear other countries which try to attack them And when the actual war broke out Then the president of the US said look we won't be sending our forces to Ukraine We can help you from the outside but we won't be sending troops directly to your country So, this is not anything else than a huge betrayal And India should even save itself from this type of betrayal India should not depend and trust blindly on the west 

Indian Student Crisis

the Next point is related to our Indian Students When Situations like these occur anywhere around the world The first headline is about the Indian students stuck there We have to bring them back And the reason behind this is that people now have no faith in the Indian education system People have to spend a lot of money here and in return don't get a quality education But when we look at this crisis than we came to know 18000 students were studying there and mostly were admitted to medical-based courses Then we start thinking about why so many Medical students are studying abroad You must have heard a lot of various reasons Let me tell you the ground reality Let me show you a different angle That is the period when the NEET exam was not introduced in India at that time if you were rich then you can take admitted to private colleges by paying huge donations After the introduction of NEET, it became mandatory to clear NEET before taking admission in medical College Without clearing it now one cannot take admission in a medical College even after paying huge donations And due to this, the people who had a lot of money started going abroad And Ukraine is among the countries where a lot of money is needed but you can study Doctrine here in a good manner Due to this a lot of Indian students started going to Ukraine to study Doctrine 


The last point is related to the western hypocrisy Look people are saying that Putin is a war criminal Literally, they are right, Putin is killing people so he is a war criminal But then all the US presidents which were in the administration Did the same thing in the Middle East They are not termed, war criminals Have a Look at the cover page of western magazines Look at the cover of the Times, economist Earlier their cover Pages were used to justify the war But now this war has been termed a tragedy So, this bias from the western media can be perfectly seen People can look at their hypocrisy After this when India looking at its profit decided to purchase gas from Russia at cheaper prices Then a lot of other countries said that look India is not doing the right thing If they are getting it cheaper than they should refuse it But they are neglecting that Europe is purchasing gas from Russia worth billions of dollars If they would not purchase it then their native people would die because of the cold weather They use to warm their home using this gas They don't call this wrong But everyone tries to teach India moral values by saying it is a wrong decision it is morally and ethically wrong Look everybody is looking at their profits so is India So, this western hypocrisy can be seen during this war So, these were the seven lessons which I thought the war should be looked at this way So, share this video among your friends also to show them this perspective of this war 

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