The US entered into the technical Recession on 28th July  Inflation in the US has broken records over the past 40 years  And now many experts believe many countries like  UK, Japan, Canada, Australia, and South Korea would also enter into the recession  We don't live on mars  India too would face some effects  Somewhere positive and somewhere negative  To solve the whole kink of the recession  


Let's discuss some points  Let's start with this  Blog  If Korea is involved in some war  Its effects are visible in India  Rates of certain products go high  This is beyond our reach  At that time, due to the Involvement of Korea in wars, prices of products in India went up  And today due to the war between Russia and Ukraine  Whether it is oil or edible products  Prices have increased by 40-50%  And this is termed Inflation  Inflation is an awful thing  I have explained it in a couple of  Blogs  But still, a small description is necessary  What do you mean by Inflation?  Earlier the amount of money you had  Today you can buy less with that amount  This means the value of your money is deteriorating  Inflation has three types  First, When the government blindly prints currency for its circulation in the market  Which would increase the prices of products  Second, When Raw material is hard to get or is expensive  Which would finally increase the cost of the final product  Third, this is very natural  Overall the period time, the pay scale of people is raised  People can afford a number of things  But this also increases the prices of various products  Look, Inflammation is a feature of any GDP  And it can't vanish  Everybody thinks GDP should increase exponentially  But this doesn't happen in reality  It involves a business cycle  The GDP changes like this  This means that GDP increases at some point  Then inflation would be observed  If limited, a Recession would occur  Then depression will come  And then recovery  And growth will be observed again  So, a cycle keeps on repeating  When inflation becomes uncontrollable in this cycle  A recession will be observed in the coming period  And now it is very popular  A recession is quite dangerous as compared to the inflation  It also has got two explanations  First is the Technical Recession  This means if the GDP of any country has faced consecutive quarters of negative growth rate  Then that country entered the technical Recession  which can be observed in the US  The second explanation is not permanent  But some signs can be observed  If the prices of products go high  and people start losing their jobs  Unemployment increases  It means the Recession is ahead  

How to Prepare for RECESSION 

And this can be observed across the globe  Now, before we indulge in some bookish explanations  First of all, let's understand  How should we prepare for the coming recession?  How can we save ourselves?  The first thing that one should do  Save your money as more as you can  So that if the recession arrives and you get jobless  You are able to sustain yourself for the coming 5-6 months  Second thing,  If you are planning to buy an iPhone, MacBook, or a car then stop immediately  Don't indulge in any huge purchases nowadays  Wait and Watch  And if the Recession does not come  Then you can purchase those things  Third, markets are down nowadays  And if you know how to invest  Which could be beneficial for the long run  Start immediately if you have not  Because the money which you would save with your long-term Planning  Can earn you huge profits in the coming future  Fourth and the most important point  Don't take any loans these days  If already taken, try to repay it as soon as possible  Because when inflation is controlled by the government  Then the interest rates are increased on the debts  So the debt could become more expensive for you  The fifth point is, Try to start any side hustle  Alongside your regular job  Because if you lose your job  Then that side hustle could carry you forward  The sixth point  If you have never bought any insurance  Then consider buying any  Health insurance, life insurance, or term insurance  Because the medical bills are huge in India  If anyone falls sick  Then the economic condition of the whole family  can reach the bottom in no time  If we have started talking about insurance  So, before understanding the Recession more closely  Let's meet our segment sponsor  Ditto  Ditto insurance is such a platform for the millennials  Which has simplified the whole process of insurance  Ditto is backed by Zerodha  Made by the people who have made the popular Newsletter  Finshots  Look, the requirements of every person differ in terms of insurance  But these advisors  Introduce you to the policy which benefits themselves  Somehow your phone number reaches them  Then they keep on disturbing you  Ditto does not do anything like this  Honest advice is given on this platform  No spam calls are made  And you can also book a free consultation call with their advisors  Their website is full of educational content  And they would also help in the claim settlements  So, if you want to take any new policy regarding health or life  Or do you want to change or upgrade your existing policy  Every detail regarding ditto is provided in the description  You can contact them  and book a consultation call with them  And can get more details about the platform  

Why is The RECESSION Coming ?

Have you understood?  Now, let's get to know more about the recession  What are the reasons and impacts of the coming recession?  The reasons are very simple  Observe the past two years carefully  Look at China  Before the Covid-19 Pandemic  China and the US were involved in a trade war  Due to this Chinese products became expensive in the US  And the US prohibited various American countries to work with China  Due to these many products become very expensive  When the Covid-19 Pandemic arrived  China is considered the hub for the global supply chains  That supply chain was destroyed  And even today the supply of semiconductors is facing the devastating effects  Which raised the prices of several products  Before the end of the Covid-19 Pandemic  Russia and Ukraine ended up in a war crisis  Due to this, the prices of edible products reached the sky  The whole world depends on these two nations for the supply of wheat and sunflower oil  Apart from this the supply of fertilizers also depends on these two countries  So, not only food products were impacted  But the raw material also became expensive  I have explained all these in a  Blog  The food prices touched the sky  The prices of fuel also went high  As this is also controlled by Russia  Look, we take the fuel lightly  But everything moves from one place to another in vehicles  which uses fuel  When fuel becomes expensive  Every item becomes expensive  Apart from this, you would have also heard about the printing of currency notes by the US and some European countries in huge countries  Which was distributed among the public  So the value of money was downgraded  The prices of various products went up  And inflation broke all the past records  And due to this when inflation arrived  Then the central banks revised the interest rates immediately  The underlying reason behind this was  To control the inflation  But whenever inflation is controlled  Everybody is feared of the flat GDP  GDP sometimes faces negative growth  And when two consecutive quarters face a negative growth rate  We are into the recession  

How will RECESSION  Impact INDIA

And now the whole world is experiencing it  Now the global recession would also impact India  But not highly  This is believed by many experts  Because look at the fuel prices first  The increasing rates of fuel introduced the recession  The rates are low getting less  Cheaper fuel prices will benefit India  As we majorly export our fuel  Which reduces our forex reserves  When the fuel is cheaper  Our forex reserve is saved  And internally if the prices of fuel go down  Then the prices of petrol and diesel would get down  Which will reduce the cost of transportation  And various products would get cheaper  The second benefit would be  If we observe internally  Then the sentiments of consumers and the market are experiencing growth  Currently, Jobs are also increasing in the Auto sector and service sector for the past 2-3 months  This is shown by the data made available by IMF  IMF has issued a whole chart  About the growth of every country till 2023  Although the growth rate of India is quite less  But still, they have mentioned that India will be the fastest growing GDP across  But there could also be some negative points  The first thing is exports  All the goods that India exports to the US or other developed countries  When these countries will enter the Recession  Then those countries might stop importing goods from India  This will affect our export level  Second, our IT sector could face consequences  Whose business is totally based on the services provided to the developed countries  If a Recession is observed in those countries  Then they would not take our services  Which can lead to unemployment in India  Third, Startups can Suffer  Recently, you might be noticing  Many Ed Tech and food delivery startups  Have fired many people  As they are unable to get adequate investments  As many firms are pulling out their investments due to the fear of recession  Due to this, the Indian startups are focusing on profitability  That's why they have lowered their marketing expenses  And have already fired many people  


So, this is now clear  A global recession would cause both positive and negative impacts on India  What would happen across the globe?  IMF believes that  The growth rate of the whole world would reduce  But not highly  This could be a shallow recession  Because this recession is totally different from the Recession of 2008  The recession of 2008 was a debt-driven recession  This means many big companies went bankrupt  This would be an excess liquidity-driven recession  This means many governments have increased inflation by printing currency notes  To control this, the central banks are revising the interest rates  Which is triggering a recession  Recession will arrive  It will be a shallow one  But it will impact our lives  So, it is mandatory for you to get ready  I hope you liked this  Blog.  

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