The Real Reason behind Communal Riots |

"Hello, friends!"  "For the last 10 days,"  news of religious riots has been pouring in from many places in the country.  "Riots, caused in the name of religion."  "Jahangirpur in Delhi,"  "Karauli in Rajasthan,"  "Madhya Pradesh, Andhra Pradesh,"  "Uttarakhand, Gujarat, Karnataka."  But these are only the latest examples.  "We are seeing a general trend for the last several years,"  where people are increasingly getting more hateful in the name of religion.  "Minister of State for Home Affairs,"  "Nityanand Rai informed the Parliament,"  "during the period from 2016 to 2020,"  "there were about 3,400 communal riots."  Communal / Religious Riots.  A pattern is emerging from these riots.  "A mob carries weapons and swords and takes out a rally,"  "some of them would then insult other religions,"  "some would throw stones,"  "some would claim that outsiders were brought in specifically for rioting,"  some politicians and 'religious' people would give violent speeches.   

"And when the riots are over,"  "some heartwarming stories would come up,"  "how a Hindu protected their Muslim neighbours,"  or how a Muslim protected their Hindu neighbours.  The question here is that  why is this happening?  "I'm not talking about any specific riot,"  I'm talking about the general trend.  Who is responsible for this?  And what can be the solution to it?  "Friends, I won't be answering these questions in this video."  But these questions have been answered 100 years ago.  "By no one else that our Freedom Fighter, Martyr Bhagat Singh."  "In June 1928,"  Bhagat Singh wrote an article for the Kirti Magazine.  Communal Riots and Their Solutions.  Bhagat Singh gave a detailed analysis of this.  "And you'd be surprised to know,"  "the situation in India at that time,"  "it's still the same now, not much has changed."  "Each point that Bhagat Singh talked about,"  remains valid to date.  "Come, let's understand them in this video."  """Communal clashes in several states"  "on Ram Navami, which was on Sunday,"  "West Bengal, Jharkhand, and Madhya Pradesh."""  """Incidents of stone-pelting and vandalism broke out late last night."""  """The communal violence was seen in as many as seven states." 

"And now, Jahangirpuri in Northwest Delhi"  "continues to be tensed today."""  """Similar patterns of communal tensions and clashes"  soaring in Karnataka's Hubbali city  after violent clashes broke out last night.  "There Section 144 has been imposed."""  Bhagat Singh began his article by acknowledging that  India's condition was worsening.  People had started seeing their neighbours as enemies.  Simply because of their religion.  "In his article, he writes about 4 direct reasons"  as to why it was happening.  First: the communal mindset of some people.  He cites the example of the riots in Lahore.  Where rioters from all religions  killed innocent people from all religions.  "The people who died were from each of the religions,"  but were innocent.  And the rioters were from all religions too.  Singh claims that the justification of the rioters is that  people from their religion were killed by people from other religions.  And that their riot was mere self-defence.  Bhagat Singh points out that  there is no logic to the justification.  People who die in the riots aren't criminals.  "Neither does rioting a mob kill a person,"  because he had done some wrong.  "In riots, people are brutalised simply based on their religion."  A Hindu or a Muslim kills the other person based on whether  the other person is a Hindu or a Muslim.  The mob isn't concerned with anything else.  Bhagat Singh says that the communal riots had shamed India on the world stage.  And that the country's future seemed very bleak.  The second reason stated by him is the Herd Mentality of the people.  "Some people pick up sticks, rods, swords, knives,"  simply to maintain their dominance.  "When a Hindu, Muslim, or Sikh, sees a person from his religion arming himself," 

he can't keep calm and gets swept up in the emotions.  Thus forming a part of the mob.  "Bhagwati Charan Vohra and Bhagat Singh,"  "in the manifesto of Naujawan Bharat Sabha,"  discussed a point related to this.  They expressed utter disappointment  on how easy it is to hurt people's feelings in the name of religion.  "If a branch of a peepal tree breaks,"  a Hindu is provoked by it.  "Even if the smallest piece of the Tazia breaks,"  a Muslim is angered.  They claim that humans should be more important than animals at least.  "But in our country, people are willing to behead another person,"  in the name of 'sacred animals.'  "In their manifesto, they had said that"  "how religious superstition and bigotry,"  are obstacles to our progress.  "Moving on, in the third point, " 

Bhagat Singh blames the communal politicians.  He said that the situation then was such that  some politicians had openly become communal.  They give inflammatory speeches  which directly give rise to the riots.  He also clarified that  there were some politicians who were concerned about it.  And that they weren't able to speak up against it.  Because the communal way of thinking was becoming inescapable in the country.  There was a strong influx of communality.  So even the ones concerned had to keep their heads down   and remain quiet.  "In his fourth point, Bhagat Singh blamed the media."  He said that journalism was once a respectable profession.  "But by then, it had become a dirty mess."  "With big, bold headlines on the front page of the newspapers,"  more hatred was spread about people in the name of religion.  Multiple times it had happened that something was printed in the newspaper  which led to the riots.  "Today, the same role is played by the TV media."  "In his article, Bhagat Singh goes on to"  list the real duty of the newspapers.  To educate people.  To stop the hatred among the masses.  And to spread communal harmony and brotherhood.  Feelings of communal harmony and mutual trust should be incited in people  so that a common nationalism could be promoted.  But the newspapers were doing the exact opposite.  "About which Bhagat Singh had written,"  he cries tears of blood when he sees all those things happening.  He reminisces about the days of the Non-Cooperation Movement.  When the independence they dreamt of was almost in the grasp of our country.  The country's independence was almost realised. 

"But at the time of writing the article, Independence seemed far fetched. "  "Because of the riots, the system and bureaucracy had strengthened their roots."  "By that, he meant the British Raj."  Bhagat Singh then writes that the four reasons he stated  were the direct reasons behind the communal riots.  "But greater than these,"  there was a fundamental reason for the communal riots in the country.  He claims that the reason was the Economic Factors.  "Here, he cited Karl Marx,"  who said that everything in the world happens because of economic factors.  History bears witness that  "when people are starving, jobless, and frustrated,"  "this frustration can either be channelised,"  "so that there can be a revolution,"  such as during the French Revolution.  I have made a detailed video on the French Revolution.  When the famines led to thousands of women coming out on the streets  to protest against their monarch.  "But if the frustration is not channelised,"  it can lead to riots in the country.  "People would start fighting among themselves,"  "there would be an increase in communal disharmony,"  and then dictators would rise from that.  "Yup, you heard that right."  "Hitler's popularity rose in Germany,"  following an economic depression.   "Large-scale bank failures, unemployment, "  "economic instability,"  "and frustration, people started trusting a person"  who took the country to more disasters.  "And later, it led to the World War."  "Now, this was my two cents," 

"when Bhagat Singh had written this article,"  Hitler hadn't risen to power on the scale that we know of.  But Bhagat Singh wrote that the economic situation in India  had deteriorated a lot.  And that it was the fundamental reason  due to which the communal riots were on the rise.  "And because the reason for the communal riots was economic,"  its solution has to be economic too.  "Simply speaking, Bhagat Singh said"  that there was a dire need to improve the economic condition of the people.  He adds that  it was very difficult to do that given the circumstances then.  Because the government wasn't interested in improving  the economic condition of the people.  Keep in mind that the was talking about the ruling government of his time.  The British India government.  "For this exact reason, people needed to band together,"  and protest against the government.  "So that either the government takes an action, or the government is changed." 

So that the foreign government could be thrown out.  But it leads to another question.  "When people are so busy fighting among themselves,"  how can they fight the government?  How can people be stopped from fighting among themselves?  Bhagat Singh claimed that the solution was class consciousness.  They need to raise awareness among the people.   The poor labourers and farmers had to realise that  they should not be influenced by the speeches of  hate-mongering politicians and 'religious' leaders.  So that they are not fooled.  "Irrespective of their race, colour, and religion."  Or even their nationality.  """The poor of the world regardless of race, colour,"  "religion, or nation have the same rights."""  They need to band together to overthrow the government   and to fight for their rights.  And these poor people have nothing left to lose.  And their freedom to win.  "Here, you might be wondering,"  about why Bhagat Singh was focusing so much on the poor people in his article.  Why was he not talking about everyone?  Why was he talking about the poor workers and farmers only?  "There's a simple reason for it, friends."  "It's something that you can notice even today,"  "in all these communal riots,"  "in all the riots that are happening nowadays,"  where are they taking place?  "They aren't happening in Lutyens Zone, Delhi."  Jahangirpuri is a poor area in Delhi.  There are many slums around it.  "The riots that we saw in the last few days,"  most of them were at places where poor people live.  And these poor people become the victims of the riots.  "In any religious riot, have you ever seen"  a Hindu politician or a Muslim politician fighting?  These politicians duel each other.  You will never get to see this happen.  Not only the politicians.  "In the riots, have you ever seen"  a Hindu businessman or a Muslim businessman coming to fight in the riot?  Armed with sticks and fighting.  You will never see this.  "Any Hindu or Muslim who has a good job,"  wouldn't get into riots.  They are busy with their work.  "It is the unemployed, poor people" 

who have nothing productive to do.  "Mostly, they have no jobs or businesses."  "Because if you see the politicians and the media giving these provocative speeches,"  "their children are safely studying in foreign universities, "  they are happily settled there without having to worry about these things.  And look at the people who are killed in these riots.  It is always someone from the lower economic section.  "In his article, Bhagat Singh cites the example of Russia as well."  It was ruled by a Tsar.  "When there was a monarchy in Russia, the economic condition was terrible there."  "Because of this, frequent riots and communal violence used to be seen in Russia."  "For example, from 1881 to 1884,"  "and from 1903 to 1906,"  large-scale anti-Jewish violence was seen in the Russian Empire.  And this violence was supported to quite an extent  by the incumbent government.  The government of the Russian Tsar.  "But Bhagat Singh claims that since the Russian Revolution,"  "since the Bolsheviks came into power,"  the situation had been stabilised.  The economic condition of the people had improved.  People were employed.  "Each person was seen as a human,"  "rather than as Jewish, Christians, or by their religious identities."  "And since people were aware,"  Singh claimed that there were no religious riots in Russia anymore.  He was talking about his time.  "And then Bhagat Singh goes on to cite a similar, positive example of India,"  of Calcutta.  "There were Hindu-Muslim riots in Calcutta,"  "but in those Hindu-Muslim riots,"  trade union workers had not participated in those riots.   "The Hindus and Muslims working in the factories,"  kept on working.  They weren't participating in the riots.  They were happy to work with each other.  "According to Bhagat Singh, this happened because"  there was class consciousness among the trade union workers.  "They were standing with each other,"  and understood the interest of their group.  "In his opinion, this was an excellent example"  of how class consciousness can prevent communal violence. 

"Finally, Bhagat Singh concluded his article"  reiterating that he had high hopes from India's youth.  He said that the Indian youth was rejecting communalism and hatred.  And that many young people were open about their outlook.  "They don't see themselves as Hindus, Muslims, or Sikhs."  "Rather, they see themselves as humans."  Bhagat Singh wrote that he was very hopeful for the youth.  "Apart from this, he praised some new politicians as well."  Those who were actively trying to keep religion out of politics.  They fought for independence.  "Bhagat Singh didn't name the politicians,"  "but most probably,"  he was talking about Jawaharlal Nehru and Subhash Chandra Bose.  "I say this because the next month, he wrote another article in the same magazine"  titled 'The Varied Opinions of the New Politicians.'  Where he specifically pointed out  Jawaharlal Nehru and Subhash Chandra Bose.  while praising them.  And I hope the lesson in this blog will reach people.  "If you liked this blog,"  you can watch my other blog on Bhagat Singh.  Let's meet in the next blog  Thank you very much!

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